Thursday, March 25

The Long Trip Home

Every year about this time we begin the long trip home. We begin to close down the condo and pack our car. This time is a little different as we are renting the condo for a year and we have stuff to get out of the way and better cleaning to do. After all when a couple come in for a rental they want everything to be super clean and uncluttered. It's what I would want.

So, is it all worth it? We think it is; we get out of the bad weather, we get to see friends we only see in Florida and we do the beach, the pool and the golf course. We also do a lot of serious sitting. We sit in our wicker furniture watching TV or reading, we sit in the sun by the pool or we sit waiting for our food at our favorite dining spots.

To off set all the serious sitting we walk the trails at The Meadows, walk the Fresh Market and walk the thrift stores looking for old aprons. Don't laugh, those places are in old supermarkets and if you do the whole store you can walk a half a mile. Do all the thrift stores in one day and you will have walked two to five miles. Sarasota is the mother of all thrift stores and there are treasures out there.

Of course we can't take advantage of the treasure trove because we travel here in our mid-sized car with a small trunk so we just do old aprons for my collection. So far I have just under ninty with my goal being one hundred. I have a vision of all one hundred aprons hanging from a clothes line that goes around the room where I will give a lecture on My Grandmother's Aprons.

My first lectures on this subject were this winter in Kansas City, MO at the Johnson County Home and Garden Show and I had to show my aprons on a Power Point presentation. It was OK but I need to do a lot of work.

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